Wednesday, November 7, 2007

With Anna

Anna and I crawled out of bed around 11 on Saturday morning and it felt great. I treated myself to a hot, stand up shower and ate toast with peanut butter! PB is really expensive in France so I never eat it. I actually bought a jar in the Netherlands to bring back with me. It was .70 Eurocents whereas in France it would have cost me about 8 Euros. I am in heaven!

Anna took me to Haarlem for the day, which is a city about 20 minutes away from Hoofddorp with some cool shops, a really nice big church and a market. I tried two holiday specialties. The first were little cookies that tasted like gingersnaps and the second was two thin waffles with something similar to caramel inbetween. They were both really good. Then we had movie night and vegged out in front of the TV. It was so nice to watch a movie in english and not have to do all the mental work of translating.

Sunday morning we enjoyed our extra hour of sleep, thanks to daylight savings. We got up, I ate more peanut butter toast ☺ and we drove into Amsterdam. She used to work at the hostel I was staying in so showed me the way there and I dropped off my stuff in my room. I stayed at the Flying Pig, which is a really popular hostel in Amsterdam. It’s my favorite hostel so far. Then Anna showed me around that end of town, the shopping areas, the really expensive street where all the celebrities shop and the Red Light District. Unfortunately I didn’t have enough for a hooker so I just window shopped. Lovely.

Anna left around 5 pm and I headed back to the hostel.

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