Monday, November 12, 2007


I arrived in Barcelona and took an hour bus ride into the city. I managed to find my hostel, Barcelona Sound and it only took me about an hour. It should have taken about 20 minutes but that city is very poorly signed and makes no sense whatsoever. Streets sprawl out in all directions. My advice…fork out the cash and take the metro. Anyway so I met up with Andrew from IAU and we waited for few hours for our friend Emma but she never showed up so we went scouting for boots and a jacket for Andrew. We ended up having tea and coffee by the pier until it was time to meet up with our other friends who were staying in Barcelona. Thankfully Emma finally arrived, her flight had been delayed for 6 hours in Charles de Gaulle. I really do hate that airport. So we met up with Elsie, Katie, Elle and Elle’s boyfriend and celebrated Halloween over cheap wine in the square at the start of Las Rambla, the main road in Barcelona. When it started raining on us we moved the party to Elle and Stan’s hostel. Their room was up about 10 flights of stairs, if I would have stayed there I think I would have never left the room because it takes way too much effort to leave or come back. So anyway, Halloween was good but it hurt a bit the day after. Cheap red wine is great if your shooting for a massive hangover.

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