Friday, September 14, 2007

Or Say We're Only Dreaming

Well I have just finished my first week of classes and I had to write a freakin paper that was due today at five. Someone needs to tell these crazy professors that I did not come here to learn. :) So, my psych class is pretty cool. My first French Language class we went and sat at an outdoor cafe having coffee and such talking about Aix and the french culture so that was amazing. My French business class is ridiculously hard. One minute I look down to write down a vocab word like part time employment or something and I look up and she is talking about social security tax and it's all in French and very fast so I think I may shoot myself...or just fail. :) My french media class (also in french) is pretty sweet. It's really hard because he speaks so quickly but he's really cool and the subject matter is interesting. My other class is Art History and he seems cool as well. He tells a lot of really interesting stories about architecture and paintings.

I went to a bar the other night and watched a football (soccer) match with some people from IAU and another school in Aix. They had this giant flutes with a tap on them that you order instead of getting a pitcher. They are called giraffes and they are amazing. We need these in the states! Also tequila and all mexican beer is served with a lemon instead of a lime here which does nothing to help but it's just a little cultural knowledge nugget for you all.

Tomorrow I am headed off to Nice and Cannes, the coast, for a trip with the school. I am really excited it is supposed to be so beautiful! I will take lots of pictures for you!

Thanks Tree for your comment. I'm so glad you like it. My mom forwarded those pics of the boys, I love the one in front of the boat. It's my desktop now. :)

Love and Miss you all!



Unknown said...

You are hanging out at the wrong places, those "Giraffe's" can be found in Vegas, New York and New Brunswick.

Texas is behind the times.


darryl said...

You seem to be gazing wantonly at the tequila server, wouldn't expect anything else!


uncle darryl

darryl said...

Listen Honey Bunch.... Your cousin Alexis said the same thing about the Mexican Beer ! You two are cut from the same cloth ! Also, don't go trying to use that " we went to see a football(soccer) match as an excuse to PARTY>>.. We didn't buy that with Lex either..... Have a ball.. stay safe and keep the photos coming..... Love you... the GOOD TWIN.........

Where's The Asprin said...

Have a giraffe for me!

Nice is beautiful. You will love it! Keep posting those pics.