Tuesday, September 11, 2007

No One to Tell Us No

My first day of class was today. I only had one but it was pretty cool. I changed my entire schedule so I could have Fridays off for traveling so now I am taking Psychology (today), Art History, French Language, Business French, and Contemporary French Media. Woo hooo.....
Psych was pretty cool. We will be learning a lot about infancy and how it effects you. I'm going to find out all the ways Mom messed me up as a child. :)

Last night my host family laughed at me becaues I used the dirty clothes hamper they put in my room as storage for my books. It looks like one of those boxes you set on the floor and put magazines in. They found it pretty funny...

Went out last night to meet with some kids from another school but it was lame so I sat down and got on the internet for a while. Once I decided to leave I ran into a couple girls from IAU and we walked around and ran into more students we knew. We sat down in an outdoor cafe and had some wine then walked around old Aix for a couple hours. It was the first time I had walked around at night so it was pretty cool. When we all decided to go home I found out one of the girls in the program lives in the apartments across the street from me so that's great, now I don't have to walk home alone when we go out! :)

Nothing really exciting. This fat old French woman was rude to me this morning because I couldn't figure out how to get into the currency exchange building. they have to buzz you into one door, then you close it and call for them to buzz you through the second. She was obviously much more intelligent than me because she was French and knew how to use this building. But for me to be here 3 days and that be the first time a French person was rude to me I think I am doing pretty well!
Like I said, nothing too exciting. Think I am off to Nice and Cannes this weekend!


1 comment:

Where's The Asprin said...

You live in a beautiful place. I am sure that you never want to leave. Sounds like you are enjoying your stay in France. Please do post more pics. Love them!

The children are rousing so I must get breakfast going. Have a great weekend.
