Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A cup o' Tea, a bacon sandwich and one break up please

Bonjours mes amis! I spent this past weekend in England and as some of you may know, it could have been better. I went to visit Marc and we are no longer seeing each other. So Sunday pretty much sucked but I will focus on the good aspects.

I arrived in London on Thursday and navigated my way to Southampton by way of two trains and a couple busses on the Underground. It was actually not as scary as I thought it would be, I managed to not get lost. Ahh success! The entire trip took about 3 ½ hours. The trains were pretty cool because I got to see some of the country side and the weather was pretty clear. I saw sheep for the first time, of course they were way off in a field but still I thought it was pretty cool.

Friday I went to London and around seeing the city. I ate a waffle with ice cream on top of it for lunch. It was too sweet for ME to finish! Jeeze. I can drink 10 Dr. Peppers a day. How is that possible? Anyway, London is alright. I wanted to go so I could say I’ve been and now that I have I can honestly say I don’t really care to go back. I got to see some of the sights like Big Ben, Trafalgar Square and Buckingham Palace, which was massively disappointing. They didn’t even have the guards out in the stupid outfits! Dang it. Anyway, on the way to Buckingham Palace I walked through Queen’s Park (I think) and it was my favorite part of the city, probably because it looked nothing like a city. All the beautiful flowers, the water, the Willow trees and the animals made it very enjoyable. I saw a bird I have never seen before, it was freakin huge and looked extremely out of place. Cool though. I walked through some of the Tate Modern Museum of Art. Hmm not really the art I’m interested in but some of the sketches were really cool. I also saw a couple paintings by Pollock which made me think of my wonderful sister. I also saw my first Monet, Water Lillies. It was gigantic. I’m more excited about Le Louvre and Le Musee d’Orsey, much more my flavor!

After London we headed down south to Bournemouth to visit one of Marc’s friends. I tried my first cup of English tea, complete with milk…aww man it was good. Then he took us to a delicious Chinese place. I’ve been craving Chinese since I left the US so it was perfect. After that I went to a local bar before heading back to his friend’s place for the night. His friend showed me some great pictures of Whales. I really wish I could have made it over there, it was so beautiful. Also I wish I could have tried a crumpet, I still don’t even know what they look like. A waffle meets a pancake meets a scone? What the hell? Hmm forever a mystery.

Saturday I had my first bacon sandwich, which is apparently big in England. The bacon is much much thicker than in the states, just big cuts of ham that you crisp like bacon then put on bread with ketchup. It was surprisingly good. After my cup of tea and sandwich the three of us went to an Aquarium by the beach where I got to see some pretty cool marine life. I got to see them feed sharks and turtles. Did you know in the last Olympics some swimmers wore suits designed with Sharkskin Technology which made them 4% faster through the water? Just a bit of fact for your day. My favorite sea creature was a red and white starfish, pretty sweet. The rest of the day I watched the English beat Estonia in football at a pub and then I watched them beat France in the Rugby world cup. Poor France. I felt a little tear coming on. Marie was very disappointed. ☹

So to sum up I got to see some cool things, spent a hell of a lot of time on the trains, mastered the Underground and got to try English tea and a bacon sandwich. That’s England in a nutshell. I’ll take Texas any day.

I spent yesterday reworking my fall break which I will be spending in Amsterdam and Spain. I am so excited! I hear Spain is far cheaper than France so I am looking forward to doing a little shopping! My one mission is to buy a couple cartons of cigarettes for my Marie’s. ☺ After the trip planning I went with some girls from school to a ballet practice for a show that is opening this weekend. I have never seen ballet before so it was cool to watch. After the practice they had a Q and A session and a woman from the audience reemed the Choreographer for setting modern dance to classical music and it was pretty funny.

This week I am pretty swamped preparing for my midterms next week and writing a couple papers. Don’t fear Auntie Kathie, I’m still making time to go out for drinks at Le Sunset and I'm going to my first Wine Tasting Friday afternoon. Ahh college. La bonne vie!

Wish you all were here! Oh and Howdy to Grandpa Butch! Mom told me you were keeping up with my blog. Come visit me in France?


1 comment:

Where's The Asprin said...

Hmmmm a bacon sandwich. I don't about that. With ketchup? Of course it might just be so good that THAT is the thing I crave in the middle of the night. No, really I don't crave food in the middle of the night, just sleep. :)

Sounds like a lot of fun. Glad to hear that you enjoyed your adventure to England.